

The easy way to incrementally backup billions of objects
dsmISI MAGS enables fast backup and restore of large productive file services (e.g. NetApp) as well as big data and business analytics applications with billions of objects in combination with IBM Spectrum Protect (ISP).
Cloud Computing

When backing up files in environments with IBM Spectrum Protect (ISP) and NetApp filers, IBM recommends using dsmISI MAGS because the SnapDiff function will no longer be supported in the future. The IBM website states: dsmISI MAGS integrates with and stores data to IBM Spectrum Protect and uses a highly parallel algorithm that leverages the IBM Spectrum Protect Backup-Archive Client.

Architektur dsmISI MAGS2
Is easy to install, configure, test and monitor
Doesn’t alter the backup data structure
Scales across a practically unlimited number of ISP client machines.
Doesn’t require change in backup structure.
Is continuously optimizing its own configuration in order to use available resources (CPU, RAM, scan depth, etc.) to greatest possible effect.
Can, if applicable, use snapshots of a file system in order to avoid errors resulting from user activity during backup.

IBM Spectrum Protect is still the only software capable of continuously backing up file systems entirely incrementally.

With extremely large file systems, containing many millions or even billions of objects, this approach, however, does have its limits. Very often the time used for identifying changed, new or deleted objects alone takes days or even weeks – and thus renders a service level which requires a daily backup cycle which is impossible to achieve.

Get a free evaluation of dsmISI MAGS 30 days trial for download

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  • To avoid any misuse you will then receive an email asking you to confirm your email address. Simply click on the link contained in the email. This „double“ confirmation ensures a higher level of security and is required by German law („double opt-in“).

  • Once you have confirmed the transferred data, you will be provided with the download link for dsmISI MAGS and get a 30 days trial key per mail. If you require a longer testing period, please let us know in the comments field. You will receive a key for the desired period per mail.

dsmISI MAGS for incremental backups of large production file services

Concat partner General Storage has developed an additional dsmISI module — MAGS “Massive Attack General Storage“ — for IBM Spectrum Protect environments (formerly TSM). It enables incremental backup of large production file services for a wide range of NAS Vendors like EMC, HDS, HPE, IBM, NetApp and/or for Windows file servers.

Spectrum Protect still is the only software capable of continuously backing up file systems entirely incrementally. Very often the time used for identifying changed, new or deleted objects alone takes days or even weeks.

dsmISI MAGS solves this problem by accelerating identification of changes and the resulting movement of data by orders of magnitude.

Even extremely large and busy file systems can be backed up incrementally within a reasonable timespan using regular IBM Spectrum Protect incremental backup when controlled by dsmISI MAGS.

    Other reasons

    dsmISI MAGS (Massive Attack General Storage) solves this fundamental problem by accelerating identification of changes and the resulting movement of data by orders of magnitude.

    • Comes with a convenient graphical user interface which supports configuration and shows detailed information about running jobs

    • Is compatible with most file servers and ISP client software version 6.3 or later

    • When backing up scale-out file servers (like Dell Isilon/PowerScale), dsmISI MAGS can automatically utilize all reachable cluster nodes to further accelerate backup

    • In most cases using dsmISI MAGS doesn’t require additional hardware for ISP clients or servers already in use

    • Even extremely large and busy file systems can be backed up incrementally within a reasonable timespan using regular ISP incremental backup when controlled
      by dsmISI MAGS

    “The solution dsmISI impresses with brilliant simplicity and has helped us to implement a sustainable security concept. It is a brilliant idea to break large storage jobs into thousands of small jobs. This way we get mass data backups in finite time. Concat has technical expertise, is passionate about what it does and always sees the big picture. Every project is perfectly prepared, worked through in detail and in the end everything works as it should. You don’t get that from anyone else in the market. The oath of allegiance comes when there are really serious problems. Concat has proven to be a reliable partner even then. It’s worth its weight in gold.”
    Siegfried Eberlein, Geschäftsführer
    STZ Rechnereinsatz GmbH

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